More than just recruitment.

All companies start with an idea. But truly great companies continue to evolve their ideas, empower their people and encourage innovation. They attract and inspire already motivated people to achieve great things. The attraction and retention of cyber security and tech talent however, remains a challenge for almost every business.

InfoSec People’s mission is to effectively connect great people in the sector with great companies, ensuring secure business enablement and prosperity. If you believe what we believe, that good business is based on honest, transparent, trusted relationships – then our core values will resonate with you. Whether you are looking for your next great company in a permanent, contract or executive level role, or a CISO, security manager or business owner looking for great people for your team, speak to one of our cyber and technology recruitment partners who understands your industry and needs.

Inspiring people to
find the careers that
inspire them.

Woman in cyber sat at a computer desk

Building top quality,
inspiring and efficient
tech teams.

Three people in cyber looking at a laptop and smiling

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Our partnerships

Bristol & Bath Cyber

G-Cloud logo
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Associates of the NCSC Cyber School’s Hub

We are proud to support the National Cyber Security Centre’s Cyber Schools Hub programme, sponsoring events for students across Gloucestershire and South Wales.

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Cyber Essentials

InfoSec People are pleased to announce we have gained full Cyber Essentials accreditation.

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APSCO (The Association of Professional Staffing Companies)

We are also registered full members of The Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCO)

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InfoSec People are Certified Recruiters through CERIS, a membership organisation created to raise the professional standards of knowledge, ethics and compliance for specialist recruiters.