techSPARK is a not-for-profit community dedicated to connecting, educating and strengthening tech ecosystems. They work with tech and digital businesses from startups to scale-ups, SME’s to global corporations to help them thrive through their networks and knowledge.
techSPARK connects with over 35,000 people monthly; highlighting the best in tech in the West and bringing people together through events and programmes.
The last decade has seen phenomenal growth in the Bristol & Bath tech community and techSPARK with it. The area went from a small ecosystem to hosting 1,000’s of businesses, including some of the most successful in Europe. Success stories like Graphcore, Huboo, Immersive Labs, Open Bionics, UltraLeap, Ziylo and Seccl are changing the industries they work in and the world with it.
To keep being a success, the Bristol & Bath tech community has to keep evolving, and techSPARK are evolving with it.
They started as a small band of entrepreneurs based in Bath who wanted to better connect with other businesses doing exciting things and help shout about the awesome things happening in the area.
Connecting and celebrating is still at the core of what they do, but now, with a team of super-passionate people, they also deliver projects which enable investment, train people to work in tech, showcase the diversity of the community, find talent and much more.
techSPARK also offers a range of services for businesses and startups in the region, including consultancy, mentoring, and access to funding opportunities. They work closely with local organisations, such as the West of England Combined Authority and the Bristol and Bath Science Park, to promote innovation and growth in the tech sector.
techSPARK also hosts various events and initiatives throughout the year to support the tech community in the South West of England. Some of their flagship events include the SPARKies, which celebrates the achievements of the region’s tech businesses, and the Bristol Technology Festival.

techSPARK plays an important role in fostering a vibrant and thriving tech community in the South West of England, and helping businesses and individuals in the region to connect, grow, and succeed.
InfoSec People is a boutique cyber security and IT recruitment consultancy, built by genuine experts. We were founded with one goal in mind: to inspire people to find the careers that inspire them. With the success of companies fundamentally driven by the quality of their people, acquiring and retaining talent has never been more important. We believe that recruitment, executed effectively, elevates and enables your business to prosper.
We also understand that cyber and information security recruitment can genuinely change people’s lives, that’s why we take the duty of care to those we represent very seriously. All our actions are underpinned by our core values:
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We work with businesses in the cyber/tech arena, from start-ups and scale-ups to FTSE100 and central Government, many of whom are always looking for great people.
Call us directly on 01242 507100 to discuss opportunities or email